If you need to trim a little money off of your budget, a new car insurance quote may be a good place to start. While you should avoid forfeiting coverage in an effort to save money, there is nothing wrong with comparative shopping between providers to find the greatest savings on a policy that fits your needs.
It is about more than saving a few bucks on your premiums. By taking advantage of the right discounts, you could save hundreds of dollars every year. Continue reading to learn more the ways you can trim back your premiums and put more cash back in your pocket every year.
1. Low Mileage Discounts
People who drive less than average are often rewarded with lower insurance premiums. However, your insurer will only know to provide you with this discount if you provide information about your driving habits. Schedule an appointment with your insurance agent to discuss your daily commute, the miles you put on your vehicle, and whether you could qualify for this discount.
2. Good Credit Discounts
While not technically a discount, some insurers do penalize drivers for having bad credit. If you previously had poor credit but have since improved it, your renewal rates should gradually improve. Talk with your agent about how your credit score is currently affecting your insurance rates and what you can do to improve it.
3. Good Driver Discounts
Safe driving is nearly priceless when it comes to qualifying for discounts on car insurance quotes. Most importantly, you should avoid getting traffic citations, being involved in at-fault accidents, and driving under the influence of substances. If you have already pointed out your spotless driving record to your insurer, consider enrolling in a driver safety course. It takes just a few hours to complete, yet it could save you hundreds of dollars in premiums over the course of a year.
It is worth noting that some insurers offer optional in-car monitoring that transfers information about your good driving habits back to your insurer. This monitoring system uses technology to track back driving habits, such as hard braking or accelerating too fast. It can even provide information about the time of day you most often drive. Based on this data, your insurer may offer additional discounts on your premiums.
4. Association Discounts
Where do you belong? An alumni association? A large corporation? An exclusive non-profit group? Whatever your affiliation may be, there is a chance that you could have access to car insurance discounts as a result of your membership.
5. Good Student Discounts
If you have a teenage driver on your insurance policy, this one could be big. After all, the cost of insuring a teenager can easily equal more than the total cost of insuring two adults combined. Fortunately, many of the insurance companies here in Wisconsin will reward students for their hard work and good grades in high school and college. It is not uncommon for a teenager’s insurance rates to drop significantly thanks simply to maintaining a ‘B’ average.
If you live in Sheboygan, Wisconsin or the surrounding areas, our friendly staff is ready and excited to assist you in finding major discounts that could save you hundreds on car insurance. Contact Heinen Insurance today to request your no-obligation car insurance quotes today. We look forward to serving you soon.